Anno not loading on windows 10
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Anno 1503 windows 10 -Any way to run the original Anno discs on Windows 10 bit? - Arqade.
Enjoy the variety and challenge of five varying climate zones while competing against computer-controlled players, including interactions with nine different cultures such as the Africans, Aztecs and Native Americans. Stretch your influence through a powerful economic system which varies depending on location and includes goods such as weaponry, raw materials, and necessities such as clothes and food as well as more exotic items like silk and spices.
Trades can be made several different ways, via an easily accessible trading menu that allows you to interact with other nations and form peace treaties. I don't really want to use a virtual machine or have to buy it on GoG or Uplay. Or does anyone know of any patches that will help it run on windows Sign up to join this community.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Any way to run the original Anno discs on Windows 10 bit? I tried to download from the website but it keeps telling me it uses an unsupported protocol. They were blocking downloads from this site a few years ago mainly due to the nature of the content - cracked.
Hopefully this will change back to normal over time. No such problem when I used Edge to download the English v1. In reply to BossDweeb's post on September 15, So I downloaded a noCD fix and the game starts ti liad then the screen goes black and i clicking this think with rwndom writin gon saying ok but then the game closes and tells me i need administrative permissions but im the admin of the lsptop and I've mad it run as a n administrator in settinsg.
Do you know what i can do? In reply to RedTheAnimal's post on September 15, Have you set the Run as Administrator option in the executables Compatibility tab? Some old games that need this option may not load if it's not enabled.
Failing the above, try using XP sp2 Compatibility. Still no go? You may find a fix for a game specific quirk on an Anno game site forum. This site in other languages x. Friends list is currently empty. Connect with friends. Play, chat, and share experiences with your friends on GOG.
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Anno 1503 windows 10
Anno 1503 windows 10
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